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Preliminary Setup in RIS

Preliminary Setup in RIS

  1. You must have the banking routing numbers entered in RIS. (Company Menu->Basic Information Tab->Checkbook Setup Button->Edit->Banking Codes.

  2. You must have the lock box number entered in the

Property Menu->Rent Bill Setup

  1. You must have RIS open the authorization for PayLease or NovelPay. Call RIS to do so.

  2. You must enter the NovelPay or PayLease Landlord ID, User name, and Password given to you by that company. (Utilities -> Utilities -> Optional Programs->PayLease or Novelpay->Password button.

Paylease & NovelPay/ClickPay

Utilities -> Utilities -> Optional Programs -> PayLease

or Utilities -> Utilities -> Optional Programs -> NovelPay

To Block a tenant/owner: Enter the number 1 in the user defined field shown. You will have to do this for every property.

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